Sensual Massage London

During a Sensual Massage London session, the masseuse uses slow, deliberate strokes and varying pressures to awaken the recipient’s senses and create a heightened state of arousal. The massage typically involves the entire body, including erogenous zones such as the back, shoulders, neck, arms, legs, and buttocks. The goal is to provide a deeply relaxing, erotic and pleasurable experience that promotes intimacy and connection.

key aspects of Sensual Massage London services:

Sensual Touch – Sensual Massage often incorporates techniques such as feather-light touches, gentle caresses and kisses, kneading, and circular movements to stimulate the skin and awaken the body’s sensory receptors. It provides body-to-body experience that is very erotic and arousing in nature.

Intimate Setting – The massage is usually conducted in a comfortable and private setting, such as a bedroom, with dim lighting, candels and soft music to create a relaxing and romantic atmosphere. Warm oils are used to enhance the glide of the hands and provide a luxurious sensation on the skin.

Communication – Consent and clear communication are essential during an Sensual Massage session. Both the giver and the receiver should discuss boundaries, preferences, and comfort levels before beginning the massage.

Nude – The receiver and giver are both completely nude. This setup allows for more direct skin contact and heightens the sensuality of the experience.

Erogenous Zones – The massage may focus on erogenous zones, such as the breasts, inner thighs, and genital area, to increase arousal and pleasure. However, it is essential to respect the receiver’s boundaries and comfort level during the session.

In addition to the physical sensations, Sensual Massage sessions can also have emotional and psychological benefits. It can help you feel more connected, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase feelings of intimacy and closeness. Sensual massage is not just about physical pleasure; it’s also about learning to create safe and nurturing spaces for partners to explore their desires, communicate openly and deepen your bond.

It’s important to approach sensual massage with an open mind, a spirit of exploration. It’s an opportunity to slow down, be present with each other, and savor the pleasure of touch and intimacy.

Communication and consent are essential for Sensual Massages to ensure that both the giver and receiver are comfortable with the level of intimacy involved. Establishing boundaries, discussing preferences, and maintaining open communication throughout the massage session are crucial to creating a safe and enjoyable experience.

Please take a look at our service section for more options which you can combine with the sensual massage for further therapeutic benefits.

We can weave these extra services into your massage sessions to enhance your therapeutic benefits: Four hand massage, prostate massage, aqua bath, tantric shower and feet massage.


*Please note that if you are combining any of the extra services, it may require you to book a longer session, a minimum of 90 min is recommended. For further information about the extra pricing and personal tailoring of these services speak to our reception team. Some of these services will only be possible in combination with the sensual and erotic massage services.
