

Rachael is a British tantric queen known for her ability to create a deeply transformative experience for her clients. She exudes a fresh, oozing sexual magnetism that draws people to her like a moth to a flame.

Rachael’s sessions are tailored to each individual client, with a focus on unlocking their innermost desires and releasing any physical or emotional blockages. Her touch is both gentle and firm, and she uses a variety of techniques to create a truly transformative experience. Her clients often report feeling a sense of euphoria and release after a session with her.

Rachael is an expert in Dark Tantra, Body-to-Body and Erotic Massage.

You can visit her at her incall location in Kensington or you can invite her at your luxurious hotel or a cozy home setting.

At Tantra Affairs, we pride at providing the most sensual and erotic experiences.



Kate is wonderful! Embodying both beauty and talent in equal measure. With her Caribbean British heritage, she exudes a unique and captivating elegance and style, She’s an accomplished tantric therapist, known for her expertise in this ancient art of healing and connection. Her popularity in this field is a testament to her skill and dedication, helping individuals find balance and harmony in their lives. Her experience extends to over five years now within the tantric industry. She enjoys exploring the art of eroticism and sensuality.

Kate is trained in all Tantric and Sensual Massage therapies. Her gentle and sensual touch will help you relax and dissolve tension instantly.

Kate’s Dark Tantra, Body-to-Body and Sensual Massage is highly recommended.

You can visit her at her incall location in Gloucester Rd, Kensington, or you can invite her in your luxurious hotel or cozy home surrounding.

At Tantra Affairs London we provide the best and most unforgettable tantric experiences!

Tantric Massage Bayswater


Marina is a captivating Spanish tantric masseuse, celebrated for her enchanting presence and exceptional expertise. Her tall, toned, and slim figure exudes a natural beauty. With years of experience in the art of tantra, she is a revered therapist, renowned for her ability to guide clients into realms of profound relaxation and pleasure.

Marina’s charisma and warmth make every interaction a cherished memory. In the hands of Marina, clients embark on a journey of self-discovery, where sensuality, spirituality, and eroticism unite in an extraordinary tapestry of pleasure and well-being. Marina is available for incalls in her Bayswater apartment or you can invite her to visit you for an outcall session in your hotel or home. Her sensual Body-to-Body massage is highly recommended.

At Tantra Affairs we pride in being able to satisfy your desires.


Sarah, the lovely tantric masseuse from Romania, a petite and voluptuous lady who is very charming and warm. Sarah is a skilled sensual therapist, whose touch is beautifully erotic and reviving.

In the hands of Sarah, you’re not just receiving a massage but embarking on a journey of sensual exploration and healing. She is not just a masseuse but a healing therapist who understands the art of touch and its power to heal and rejuvenate.

Sarah provides beautiful Sensual, Nuru, Aqua and Four Hand Massages. Sarah’s calm and serene touch will put you at ease within an instant.

Sarah is available for incalls in her discreet Bayswater location or you can invite her to visit you for a luxurious outcall session in your hotel or home.


Jessica is epitome of glamour and sexual magnetism. Being half British and half Brazilian only adds to her captivating charm and beauty. As a talented tantric masseuse, she possesses the skills to create unforgettable and deeply relaxing experiences for her clients.

Jessica is tall and possesses striking blond hair that complements her stunning appearance. But her appeal goes beyond her looks; her warm and bubbly personality adds to her allure, making her not only a skilled masseuse but also a delightful companion.

Jessica is available for an incall session in her glamorous apartment in Mayfair, or she can make an outcall trip to your luxurious hotel or the cosy home setting around central London  She is experienced and well skilled in all tantric arts from classical Body-to-Body tantric experience to a more playful Dark/tie and tease Tantra.

Jessica comes highly recommended by Tantra Affairs Team.

Tantric Massage Marylebone


I am delighted to introduce you to Meghan, a talented and experienced masseuse from Brazil who is in her mid-30s. Meghan is known for her beautiful and sweet personality, as well as her sensual and gentle touch. She has over five years of experience in providing massage therapy to clients of all ages and backgrounds.

Meghan is passionate about her work and takes great care to provide a nurturing and caring experience to her clients. Her approach is focused on helping clients relax, release tension and feel rejuvenated. She has a natural talent for understanding her clients’ needs and tailoring her treatments to suit each individual.

Meghan is well experienced in Nuru, Feet Fetish and Prostate Massage. Her Body-to-Body erotic massage is very unique and unforgettable.

You can visit her at her incall location in Marylebone or you can invite her at your luxurious hotel or a cozy home setting.

At Tantra Affairs London, we pride at providing the most sensual and erotic experiences.


Samira is a skilled tantric masseuse and a fully qualified Swedish masseuse. In her late twenties she brings an exceptional level of expertise to her practice. Her proficiency in the art of tantric massage is matched only by her passion for helping others experience relaxation and rejuvenation. She is British-Iranian beauty.

Samira is well experienced in erotic Body-to-Body, Four Hand Massage and Lingam massage therapy.

Her Body-to-Body massage is highly recommended by Tantra Affairs London team.

You can visit her at her incall location in Gloucester Rd, Kensington or you can invite her at your luxurious hotel or a cozy home setting.

At Tantra Affairs London, we pride at providing the most sensual and erotic experiences.


 Emma has over five years of tantric experience within the industry. She is well diverse in all tantric arts and can seamlessly blend sensuality and ease with more intesne work of Dark Tantra and tie-and-tease. Emma provides beautiful Sensual, Nuru, Aqua and Four Hand Massage. Emma’s calm and serene touch will put you at ease within an instant.

Emma is available for incalls in her Gloucester Rd, Kensington apartment or you can invite her to visit you for a luxurious outcall session in your hotel or home.


Nicole is a lively university-educated tantric therapist hailing from the vibrant country of Spain. Her academic background is in business management, a testament to her diverse skill set. What truly sets her apart is her embodiment of sensuality and elegance, which she effortlessly weaves into her practice.

Nicole is a beautiful addition to the Tantric Affairs team, enriching the practice with her unique blend of education, sensuality, and genuine care.

Nicole provides a wonderful Body-to-Body, Nuru, and a Four Hand Massage.

Nicole is available for incalls at her Bayswater apartment or you can invite her to visit you for a luxurious outcall session in your hotel or home.


Cleo is our beautiful tantric masseuse from Italy, a slim and busty lady who is very charming and warm. Cleo is a skilled sensual therapist, with a strong sexual magnetism.

With over five years of experience in the world of Erotic Massage, Cleo has honed her skills and expertise. Her knowledge of tantric techniques and her ability to tailor each session to the individual needs of her clients has made her a very special and popular therapist. Clients often find her presence to be pleasant, warm, and calming, creating an environment where they can truly relax and let go of their stresses and worries.

Cleo provides beautiful Body-to-Body, Nuru, Aqua and Four Hand Massage. Her calm and serene touch will put you at ease within an instant.

Cleo is available for in-calls in her discreet Bayswater location or you can invite her to visit you for a luxurious outcall session in your hotel.


Ava is a fun and exciting lady with a beautiful figure! She is incredibly sensual, warm and welcoming. She possesses diverse set of talents and interests. As a seasoned tantric masseuse, her expertise in the art of tantra enables her to provide some of the most relaxing and fulfilling experiences for her clients.

 Ava has over five years of tantric experience within the industry. She is well diverse in all tantric arts and can seamlessly blend sensuality and ease with more intense work of dark tantra and tie and tease. Ava provides beautiful Body-to-Body, Nuru, Aqua and Four Hand Massage. Emma’s calm and serene touch will put you at ease within an instant.

Ava is available for incalls in her Earl’s Court apartment or you can invite her to visit you for a lavish outcall session in your hotel or home.

Bella, a wonderful tantric therapist from Brazil, who possesses exceptional skills as a massage therapist. Her artistry in tantric massage creates a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for her clients. Bella takes immense pleasure in her role as a professional masseuse. Her genuine enjoyment in pampering clients contributes to a serene atmosphere, where relaxation and rejuvenation become a harmonious experience.

Bella brings a beautifully fresh and vibrant energy and style to our tantric team at Tantra Affairs London. Her erotic Body-to-Body is not to be missed.

She also provides a very relaxing Nuru experience. She is trained in all tantric massage services.

Bella is available for in-calls in her discreet apartment in Marylebone or she can visit you in your luxurious hotel in central London.
