I am based in Bayswater

Age: 25

Height 5’1

Cup: 32B

I love reading and having long walks in the park and nature.

Sarah, the lovely tantric masseuse from Romania, a petite and voluptuous lady who is very charming and warm. Sarah is a skilled sensual therapist, whose touch is beautifully erotic and reviving.

As a fun and passionate young lady, Sarah brings an element of joy and enthusiasm to her work. She derives great satisfaction from pampering her clients and providing them with the ultimate erotic experience, ensuring they leave her sessions feeling renewed and fulfilled.

With over five years of experience in the world of erotic massage, Sarah has honed her skills and expertise. Her knowledge of tantric techniques and her ability to tailor each session to the individual needs of her clients has made her a very special and popular therapist. Clients often find her presence to be pleasant, warm, and calming, creating an environment where they can truly relax and let go of their stresses and worries.

In the hands of Sarah, you’re not just receiving a massage but embarking on a journey of sensual exploration and healing. She is not just a masseuse but a healing therapist who understands the art of touch and its power to heal and rejuvenate.

Sarah provides beautiful Sensual, Nuru, Aqua and Four Hand Massages. Sarah’s calm and serene touch will put you at ease within an instant.

Sarah is available for incalls in her discreet Bayswater location or you can invite her to visit you for a luxurious outcall session in your hotel or home.

At Tantra Affairs London we pride in being able to satisfy your desires. Our sessions are perfectly tailored just for you.

1HR £200 £300
90min £300 £400
2HRS £400 £400


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Sarah is lovely, her touch is very relaxing, and her curvaceous body was very erotic sliding!

Mike 10/10/23
